Mindful Lady Garden.

Like with all our lives things get in the way, work takes over, boats leak and almost sink (yes that happened to Lucy and Bunbury!) or you just generally run out of time and before you know it it’s the summer and you’ve done sod-all in the way of being creative or doing things for yourself. But that’s ok, you can let life get in the way just make sure you don’t get bogged down in it so much so you struggle to get out.

One of my favourite ways to clear my head is to potter around the garden. Our Nan has always been a keen gardener, I remember eating mint for the first time from one of her many plant pots and that was the first time I realised you could grow your own tastes and smells.


This year I’ve been growing a lot of my own fruit, veg and herbs; tomatoes, potatoes, basil, mint, berries, spinach and cucumber to name a few – some in simple grow bags, some in pots and some in the ground. The things that grow up and out like tomatoes or potatoes I put into a large cosy pot so they had support to grow up up up! All my herbs are in a pot of their own as I’ve realised they grow better in their own space… maybe that’s just me treating them like humans but there is definitely something in that, right?

I was kindly given some rhubarb, which has flourished in the ground. At first, she seemed like she hated me and life itself but after lots of daily watering, she found her feet and now there is no stopping her. I think the key to gardening is you must be a little patient with it and don’t give up on the plants, most of them are strong and sturdy they just take a while or weathering gets in the way or we neglect them!


We can’t always be there 24/7 tending to our plants every need but think of your time in the garden or kitchen or where ever your plants may be, as ‘down time’ to help clear your head, helping yourself as well as your plants.


And of course, if you grow your own you get to reap the benefits! Feel the fruits of your home grown loins! There is nothing quite like the taste of home grown, organic goods – trust me.


By Maddie Moo